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Dr. Dominiqua Griffin was born and raised in the Bronx, with roots in Pensacola, FL, and Barbados. Her life experiences bring meaning to the phrase, "it takes a village to raise a child." Her family and community have influenced her work deeply. Her family vacationed frequently, and the many road trips and visits to other countries are the reasons why she is so interested in being a global citizen. Her work reflects the need for fostering community and advocating for historically underserved groups. 

Dr. Griffin is the visionary behind Black Women PhDs®, and works at the National Institutes for Health- National Cancer Institute as an AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow. She has held positions in education and policy; including a legislative fellow in the U.S. Senate, a tenure track professor, and a school counselor. Her research led to her consulting with the Barbados Ministry of Education and their national school counseling association. She has presented on numerous panels, such as Facebook (now Meta), and was the keynote speaker at Clarkson University. She has 15 invited scholarly talks, 20+ presentations, and six publications.

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Dr. Griffin is the CEO and Founder of Black Women PhDs®.
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